The upside-down handle bar

The handle bar

This is the classic look moustache and the most common style attempted to be achieved from a moustache wax. The moustache wax is applied through the moustache and then an extra amount is further applied to the ends of the moustache the fix the style upwards. Mohawk moustache wax is easy to spread evenly through the moustache and is strong enough to give you the upward hold required for the style.

The upside-down handle bar is the less gravity-defying version of the classic handle bar. This style requires less wax and is easier to achieve. The style is also often combined with a goaty beard. For this style apply Mohawk evenly through the moustache to bring control and ensure that all hair is tidy and in place. Extra wax can be applied if for example you want to twizzle or curl the ends.


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